Monday, November 15, 2010

shadap man!

wat i want to say??

im a girl..the rite word is --> dekda is your GIRLFRIEND not the person that acting like WALL
So, pls touch n feel her heart :(

me : sorry if we cant meet on 22th...myb some other days.
F : nape? ala..
me : nt dekda double cfm k
F : dekda g ane?
me : kt umh je..
F : jgn xjd lk..huhu..sbb F sorg je kt utm,mbr smua blik..
me:owh, 2 yg nk dkda dtg?
F :haha..lbh krg la..bla2...

dis is some of conversations between me n F just now, i feel like i'm just a person dat will come closely 2 u WANT U REALLY NEED IT..FULLSTOP!!